Wednesday, March 24, 2010


hey dearest friends, welcome to

if you are a filmmaker, director, producer or aspiring filmmaker or even you are just a curious person, then this is the place for you. this site is for you people who always want to do something different in this field of film making. see, everybody has a spark but very few of them let that spark turn in to jungle like fire..every day thousand people come to mumbai to become something in this glamor world but not everyone gets success. so please be sure what you are doing is what you wanted always to do. this is the world of dreams and imagination but you have to make it like real. and only that person will be able to do this who has a jungle like fire within him/herself...
so again i welcome you to the world of dreams and imaginations. you will find here not only a platform to meet filmmakers and to show your work but you will also get inspired by the interesting real life stories of renowned filmmakers. here you will get bunch of information about your idols. know, how they reached there, how they got their first chance, how they came out of their depressing struggle period. every thing that would make you feel that you are exactly like them and nothing gonna stop you from becoming a filmmaker.

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